SWA International
Bodhi Dhama Resort, pt. Blair Andaman island Authentic, modern wellness experience The Bodhi Dhama Resort, focused on medical wellness and its spa facilities offers comfortable luxury. It is integrated into the local context - scenically and culturally - of the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago. "The design vernacular is aligned with the respective location and reflects the regional culture in its design interpretation.“ (spatality)

Inakarb Clinic + Academy, Düsseldorf, Germany
Center for Holistic Healing based on the development of the International Academy for Regulation Medicine and Consciousness Research (INAKARB)
The design is based on the sacred geometry of the flower of life, a rotunda inscribed in the flower of life for the SPA, 12 wings of hortigardens and academy rooms, and a pyramid which enters from the top into the building as a merkaba.

Hubertusbad Berlin
The original expressionist bath house from 1920 with approximately destination through a harmonious blend of innovation, authenticity and local culture with
4200 sqm has been redefined as a premium hotel, medical wellness and spa with the vision to create and operate the future of wellness hospitality.

Ökosiedlung Schönerwalde
Das Siedlungsprojekt stellt ein neuartiges und nachhaltiges Wohn- und Arbeitskonzept vor, das
wegweisend für Städtebau, Architektur und kommunale Infrastruktur ist. Für das Modellprojekt ist die Nähe zu Berlin wichtig: gute Beispiele sollen gesehen werden. Die Siedlung im lichten Wald hebt sich von Projekten auf der grünen Wiese ab, indem vorhandene Bausubstanz in einer gewachsenen natürlichen Umgebung genutzt werden wird.

Ecological Highrise
From the Twintowers of world economy
to the tripple tower of world community
When the World Trade Center was bombed the world was under shock. A hole belief system fell down and the void which was left by the Twin Towers was more than a wound in the city of New York.
This concept of the Tripple Tower of world community had in mind, that the Twin Tower was bombed, because economic and spiritual differences and the believe pattern behind
those potential conflicts. The concept for the „Eco Skyscraper is based on a new concept concerning economy, community and spirit.

Stattbad Wedding
The owner of the former Stattbad Wedding needed a concept for the further development of the plot. SWA International developed a large range of usage for the client. At the end he was able to sell the property which he bought for appr. 250.000,-€ for more than 8 M €.